HONOR has exciting news about its upcoming Magic6 smartphone. It’s going to be powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 Mobile Platform, which was showcased at the Snapdragon Summit 2023 in Hawaii. This collaboration is all about showing the potential of on-device large language models (LLM) with a whopping seven billion parameters.
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Putting People First
HONOR and Qualcomm Technologies are teaming up to create a more user-focused ecosystem for smart devices. During their event, they highlighted improvements in MagicRing connectivity, which is a result of their combined efforts.
Customized Services with HONOR’s LLM
HONOR’s on-device LLM is different from the cloud-based ones. It offers personalized services based on individual users’ preferences and how they use their devices. What’s essential for HONOR and Qualcomm Technologies are three things: making sure the phone performs well, uses power efficiently, and protects your data.
AI That Creates and More
The Magic6, powered by Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, boasts an on-device LLM with seven billion parameters, a significant advancement in generative AI. During their event, HONOR showcased an AI video creation demo, where you can create custom videos just by talking to your smart assistant, YOYO.
Magical Features
HONOR also introduced some cool features like Magic Capsule, which uses eye-tracking for interactions, and MagicRing, which includes a Connected Camera, Connected Input, and multi-device screen sharing. These features are powered by the latest Snapdragon Seamless technology.
On-Device AI Commitment
HONOR is committed to working with global partners to make on-device AI technology even better. They want to contribute to a more user-centric approach and bring innovations that make our future smarter.